Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Supper Tale?

Supper Tale is a platform that connects people through food and shared experiences. Tale-Tellers take care of food preparation, table setting and event execution for clients at offices, studios, private homes, or outdoor venues.

2. Do I need to be a professional chef to be a Tale-Teller?

We appreciate experience in the restaurant industry, but you don't need to be a professional chef to be a Tale-Teller. Experience in hosting dinner parties, workshops, cooking and sincere enthusiasm to meet new people is what Supper Tale values the most.

3. How do I become a Tale-Teller?

If you would like to become a Tale-Teller, contact us with information about yourself, your cooking skills and hosting experience. Our team will review your application and get in touch with you to help make your dreams of catering and hosting supper clubs or workshops into reality. Being a Tale-Teller does not require a full-time commitment, as we want to offer flexibility to our team to host these events within the possibility of their individual schedules. That being said, engaging as a full-time Tale-Teller can be really rewarding.

4. How much does it cost and how do I pay?

Each event is different and therefore the cost too will vary. When planning a catering or requesting a seat for an event, the cost will be clearly communicated before finalising go through with you prior to the booking. The events will be paid in advance via direct payment on our website or through invoice.

5. What if my circumstances change and I’m unable to attend?

For catering events, cancellations need to be made at least 14 days in advance for a partial refund, with specific terms outlined in the contract.

You have the flexibility to make changes to your supper club booking up to 5 days before an event for a full refund, excluding the non-refundable booking fee.
If Supper Tale cancels an event, customers receive a full refund, including the booking fee, unless a contract states otherwise.

6. What happens if I have dietary restrictions?

When making a reservation, make sure to communicate your dietary requirements and intolerances. Tale-Tellers will assess their ability to cater to your needs and let you know if they can accommodate them.

7. How are guests and Tale-Tellers selected for supper clubs?

Guests are selected on first-come first-served basis and on brief introduction of themselves, while Tale-Tellers are chosen based on their passion for food and their ability to create a welcoming environment.

8. What safety measures are in place?

Your safety and enjoyment are our top priorities. Both Tale-Tellers and guests provide introductions that are reviewed by our team.

9. Can I come together with a friend to a supper club?

Yes –you're welcome to attend with a friend. Sharing the supper club experience with someone you know can add an extra layer of comfort with the possibility to expand ones social circle.

10. What's the dress code for the events?

We want you to feel comfortable and relaxed in our events, whilst we believe there is no such thing as over-dressing. Dress fancy or relaxed – just as you are.

Contact us

We love to hear from you!

Get in touch with us via email, direct Instagram message or write to us here:

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